Depression Therapy

man with hand on head looking serious

Has Depression Profoundly Impacted Your Life? 

Do you feel isolated and unhappy most—if not all—of the time? Are you angry and short-tempered, but also dealing with constant and overwhelming sadness? Has this been going on for so long that you worry that you will never feel better again?

At times, you may feel emotionally numb, empty, or even hopeless about your future. You probably wonder if you’ve reached a point where therapy can help you heal and move on from depression. 

Depression Can Be Painful and Exhausting

You may have lost interest or the ability to feel pleasure in day-to-day activities, such as eating, taking care of yourself, pursuing your hobbies, or enjoying physical intimacy. You may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol to numb your pain—or maybe to feel the temporary high. 

Tiredness and a lack of energy are also common with depression, as well as sleep disturbances like insomnia or sleeping longer than needed. You may also experience trouble thinking, concentrating, as well as making decisions, and remembering things. 

Feeling worthless and guilty, having a fixed mindset that focuses on past failures, and only remembering what you blame yourself for are all prototypical symptoms of depression. This extreme negativity can also manifest as self-harm, thoughts of suicide, or even suicide attempts. 

If you’ve been struggling with perpetual pain and sadness, it may seem like things will never change, but there is hope. Depression is very treatable with therapy, so if you are ready to feel happier, more connected with friends and family, and capable of being an active participant in your own life, Toltec Therapy Services wants to help.

Depression Is Sadly A Very Common Issue

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over five percent of US adults have experienced depression. About 280 million people worldwide have depression. Additionally, depression is almost 50 percent more common among women than men. 

Severe depression can be heartbreaking. Suicide claims more than 700,000 people every year and is the fourth major cause of death in people ages 15–29 years old. But depression, even severe, is very treatable with counseling and there is still hope for those experiencing any level of depression in their lives. (1)

Unresolved childhood trauma is one of the main contributors to depression. People often minimize childhood trauma because it happened to them so long ago and they can’t imagine that it is still impacting their mental health as an adult.

Having a baby can also lead to depression for the parents, as starting or expanding a family creates hormonal changes and struggles that they may not anticipate. Worldwide, more than 10 percent of pregnant women and new mothers experience postpartum depression. (2)

Cultural Factors That Can Lead To Depression

Factors like the expectations and demands of your family and your culture can also contribute to depression. For instance, not acknowledging depression as a real issue is a big problem in Hispanic culture, and thus many Hispanic people may not take it seriously. 

The persistent stigma about therapy still keeps people from sharing their mental health struggles, whether they are part of the Hispanic community or not. Some people even hide the fact that they want to pursue or are in counseling from their partner.

People may also maintain a false sense or belief that they can "will'' their way out of their mental health disorder. Depression by its very nature, creates unhealthy thought and behavioral patterns that make it all that more difficult to heal and overcome symptoms. However, working with a therapist gives you clarity, insight, and skills that you can use to free yourself from sadness and start living again.

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Therapy Provides A Safe Space To Discuss Your Depression

A lot of people who live with depression are ashamed of how they feel and for seeking help. Therapy offers you an environment where you can express and embrace yourself---to explore fears, memories, and feelings with an ally who can understand and support you.

At Toltec Therapy Services, I will look at your depression from many angles. We will address the behaviors you are displaying in your life in addition to your thought patterns and feelings about everyday issues.

What Depression Counseling Sessions Look Like

As your counselor, I feel it is important for you to understand what depression is and how it can impact every aspect of your life. You may have become so entrenched in your depression that you may not see how it has affected your home or work environment or your physical health.

Once we complete psycho-education on clinical depression and how it has impacted your life, you will learn how to self-regulate and counter your negative thinking in therapy. This will often take the conversations in our sessions back to earlier events and times in your life like your childhood. 

We will discuss other factors, such as environmental stressors, your current relationships, and any painful life circumstances like the loss of a loved one. One of the long-term goals of psychotherapy for depression is to enable you to take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health. You will learn how to stop being a passive spectator and begin actively participating in your life again. 

My Approach To Depression Treatment

I utilize a variety of modalities that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness – With DBT and Mindfulness for depression, you learn how to connect with your body and listen to what it needs moment by moment. This form of self-regulation teaches you how to counter negative thoughts with positive ones and how to calm the mind and body during difficult times.

Parts Work – This allows you to identify the needs of various aspects of your personality and identity, like your inner child. Learning how to meet the needs of your inner child can provide healing for issues that developed during that time. I will teach you how to find comfort in everyday life.

Acceptance and Commitment Theory (ACT) – Working on accepting your feelings and not being afraid of them can help break the cycle of avoidance and other fear-based behaviors that contribute to your overall depression. You will also learn to distinguish what aspects of your life are in your control, what's not in your control, and what changes you can make.

It’s possible to face your depression head-on and not fear it. With the help and support of counseling, you can learn how to set healthy boundaries, how to accept and not fear your feelings, and how to self-regulate your depression. 

You Might Still Have Questions About Depression Therapy…

How long does depression last?

Without treatment, depression can last for months or sometimes years. If symptoms of depression stick around long enough, people tend to normalize them, learn to live with them, and adopt the mentality that "this is just who I am." This is not at all the truth. With my help, you can cast off the weight of depression and discover a whole new way of being.

Will someone who has had depression develop it again?

Not everyone who has recovered from depression will experience it again. However, it can also develop for no clear reason. Getting treatment for as long as you need to is crucial for preventing or identifying any future bouts of depression. Through counseling, I can teach you skills for self-regulation and mindfulness that can help if future depression does arise.

Do I need to take medication to treat my depression? 

People may use prescription medication to treat depression symptoms, but it isn’t a cure-all for all the factors of your depression. Without addressing your behaviors, thoughts, and actions, it’s much harder to fully heal and self-regulate. Discussing the root causes and truly facing your depression will help immensely.

Toltec Therapy Services Can Help Free You From Depression

Depression doesn’t have to impact you forever. Contact Toltec Therapy Services for a brief phone consultation at (760) 834-9008 to learn how depression therapy can help free you from this difficult time so you can start actively living your life again.

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