5 Tips to Calm an Anxious Night

Have you ever had one of those nights where you just can’t seem to fall asleep? At times, it can feel like your mind won’t stop racing, or you can’t stop fixating on one topic. Those nights can lead to little or no sleep and a lot of frustration.

While nights like those are not ideal, the good news is there are ways to help alleviate anxiousness at night. Throughout this article, we will discuss five ways to help calm yourself when you’re feeling anxious at night.

Before we dive in, it’s important to understand why this happens and some of the symptoms. For many, this occurs during those quiet moments before falling asleep. The quietness allows your brain to wander off and become preoccupied with things that could more than likely wait until the next day.

Anxious Nights

Signs that you are struggling with anxiety at night include:

  • Tossing and turning in bed and feeling restless

  • Feeling on edge, antsy, or hyper

  • Enduring racing thoughts at night and being unable to control them

  • Physical symptoms, including muscle pain or tension, sweating, and chills

  • Fearing possible, worst-case scenarios or feeling like something is wrong

While no one wants to suffer from sleep anxiety, there are ways to cope, which we will discuss below.

1. Wind Down

You might start feeling anxious in the evening because sleep is hard to attain. Rather than just hopping in bed when you feel tired, create a wind-down routine. This will allow your body to slow down and prepare you for sleep. Routines can include dimming the lights, bathing, or listening to calming music. 

2. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Having a cozy and comfortable bedroom helps with the ability to get a good night’s sleep, which will help your anxiety levels. You can do this by:

  • Have comfortable pillows and sheets

  • Using a weighted blanket

  • Find your optimal sleeping temperature.

  • Dimming the lights and reducing any noise

  • If you have light sensitivity, consider blackout curtains or an eye mask to darken your surroundings.

  • Using calming sounds such as white noise, a sound machine, or calming music

photo of a woman sleeping in bed

3. Exercise & Meditation

Regular exercise has been proven to help people sleep better at night. While you should avoid exercise one hour before bedtime, daily physical activity helps reduce the production of stress-producing hormones. 

Additionally, meditation and breathing techniques can reduce nighttime anxiety. Even yoga and mindful breathing can help lower stress rates and promote better sleep. 

4. Avoid Screens

This can definitely be easier said than done, but it’s important to try to avoid using electronic devices in the 2 to 3 hours before you go to sleep. While it may feel relaxing to scroll through your favorite app or play a game before bed, the blue light of screens is stimulating and makes it difficult to fall asleep quickly after use.

5. Food & Drink

Being conscious of your overall eating patterns is not only good for your physical health, but it can also have an impact on your mental health. If you’re noticing that you’re having trouble sleeping, try the following:

  • Have a diet rich in healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. These foods can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

  • Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and sugary or starchy foods within 3 to 4 hours of going to sleep.

  • Try sleep-inducing snacks or drinks, such as string cheese, an apple, peanut butter on whole wheat crackers, and chamomile tea. While you don’t want to consume a lot of food before bed, snacks in moderation can help you sleep better at night.

If you continue to feel anxious at night, talking to a therapist can help. Reach out today to set up your first appointment for anxiety therapy so you can find peace at night.


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